Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Connected Again

Lent is over, and I’m back on Facebook.  That’s good and bad.  On one hand, I can see that it’s still easy for Facebook to be a distraction and time-waster.  And for the time being, I’m doing pretty well at avoiding that outcome.  But it’s still early.

On the other hand, there’s no doubt that Facebook is the best way for me to keep in touch with my outer circle of friends.  It’s a very handy tool for maintaining an arm’s-length relationship with hundreds of people.  I have my car, which takes me to face-to-face encounters with the people I’m closest to; my phone, which connects me to the people who may be physically distant; and Facebook, which connects me to friends and acquaintances who may be distant in multiple ways, but with whom I’d hate to cut off all contact and lose touch. 

When it’s used as that type of communication tool, Facebook is great.  When it becomes a trivia-lover’s distraction, or when idly browsing the news feed becomes a way to avoid checking important items off of a weekly to-do list, it’s not.  But I can really only blame myself if I’m easily distracted.  At any rate, it’s good to be connected again. 

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