Thursday, August 23, 2012

Progress, More or Less

It’s a safe bet that I won’t feel prepared to run 26.2 miles on September 30.  Three days after my longest run in a month, I was out on the road again this Wednesday.  This latest run went about as well as Sunday’s run, more or less.  More, if you focus on the distance (5.2 miles, up from 4.5).  Less, if you consider the way I felt afterward.  I walked whenever my knee began to feel even the slightest bit sore, tense, or wobbly.  And I kept walking until beyond the point when I was sure it was safe to run. Then, I would jog until I felt something in my knee, and the cycle would continue.

After the run, though, my knee felt a little tight in that spot just below and to the inside of my kneecap.  It was just the tiniest bit sore last night and today.  I was originally planning to run again tomorrow, and then again this coming Sunday, but I’ve decided it would be best to skip tomorrow’s run. If I am unprepared for the marathon in five weeks, it will be because I don’t have the endurance, not because I’m too hurt to run.  It’s not an ideal situation, obviously, but it’s one I’m going to have to come to peace with.

After all, the goal is to finish any way possible. Like my girlfriend’s T-shirt design idea conveys: run, walk, crawl, roll, finish.  Conquer it! 

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